FOOD For Lane County Youth Farm
At our 5-acre urban educational farm, teens participate in a leadership program, learning how to grow food for the food bank and our customers.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, CashCheck, CreditDebit
Farm Practices:
Organic Practices
Payment Options:
Fruit, Vegetables, PlantStarts
Main Season (June - November), Spring
Share Type:
Full Size, Small Size
About Us:
We sell produce through an onsite produce stand as well as online ordering with pickup at the farm, farmstand.foodforlanecounty.org, We also manage 170 member CSA, a robust internship program, and other volunteer and learning opportunities. At our stands, we accept and match Oregon Trail/EBT up to $20, and WIC and Senior Farm Direct checks (up to $4) We also accept SNAP and offer a SNAP match for our CSA, as well as a sliding scale and scholarships. We grow 40 different kinds of vegetables and fruits using organic practices, and coordinate a summer leadership program for teens, and educational opportunities for community members.
705 Flamingo Ave, Springfield, OR 97477, USA