Lil Starts
Lil Starts is a 5 acre farm located in Willamina, OR. We use sustainable and regenerative practices to grow food and plant starts for our community.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, Payment Plan, Work Trade Options, CashCheck, CreditDebit
Farm Practices:
Organic Practices, GMO-Free, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Weekly, Every Other Week
Flowers, Vegetables, PlantStarts
Main Season (June - November), Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Share Type:
Full Size, Small Size
About Us:
Lil Starts offers both a traditional Veggie CSA, a Winter Veggie CSA and a live plant Gardener's CSA. We have pickup locations in N, NE, SE and McMinnville and offer delivery options to most zip codes in Portland, Lake Oswego and McMinnville.
Our 2024 Veggie CSA runs June 15th through September 28th and you can choose a weekly or bi-weekly option. Our shares have 9-14 types of produce(shares get bigger throughout the season) with a good mix of greens, roots, brassicas, herbs and seasonal favorite like snap peas, garlic scapes, tomatoes. You will also find melon and watermelon in your late summer shares.
2024 Pricing:
Weekly Share $430/BiWeekly Share $220
Bouquet Add-on $230 Weekly/$115 Biweekly
We work in community with our neighboring farm, Belle Mare Farm, who we lease from to rotate our fields with their small head of cattle. While we do not have the official certification we do implement organic practices in our farming.
Lake Oswego, OR, USA