Lucky Crow Farm
Lucky Crow Farm sells sustainably-grown vegetables to two farmers' markets, our CSA, local restaurants and through our online store. We cultivate two urban farm locations and a rural plot in Monmouth.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, Payment Plan, Need-Based Discount, CashCheck, CreditDebit
Farm Practices:
Organic Practices, GMO-Free, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables, PlantStarts
Main Season (June - November)
Share Type:
Full Size, Small Size
About Us:
Every week we provide a variety of vegetables to our CSA members. We aim to include interesting heirlooms alongside tested fan favorites. One can expect a good mixture of leafy greens, roots, legumes and (of course) tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Our CSA also includes more than just food—a weekly newsletter, seasonal recipes and more.
The 2023 Lucky Crow CSA runs from mid-June through mid-October. There's a weekly pick up location in Monmouth, Independence, Salem, West Salem and Corvallis.
Our CSA offers a whole or small share option. The whole share feeds a family of 4 or a vegetable-loving couple. Small shares are better for one or two people that don't cook the majority of meals at home.
NW 1st St, Corvallis, OR, USA