Shady Grove Farm
Shady Grove Farm is a certified organic farm focused on growing nutrient dense vegetables using no-till ecological processes.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, Payment Plan, Work Trade Options, CashCheck, CreditDebit
Farm Practices:
CertifiedOrganic, GMO-Free, Certified Salmon Safe, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Weekly, Every Other Week
Main Season (June - November)
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Full Size, Small Size
About Us:
Started in 2018 on just 1 acre, Shady Grove Farm is now a 3 acre, certified organic vegetable farm located in Camas, WA. Our farm system is no-till and sustainably managed. We are committed to caring for the biological life of the soil and surrounding environment to produce a diverse array of nutrient dense staple vegetables for our community. We believe that good food is medicine that nourishes the body and soul. You can find our produce at the Camas Farmers Market, through our CSA program and at local restaurants and grocery stores. We deeply value building relationships with our customers and our community and welcome everyone into our farm space to learn and discover.
Camas Farmers Market, Camas WA