The Family Farm
Since 2006 we have been serving families in Central Oregon with grassfed and finished meats and sustainably grown produce.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, CashCheck
Farm Practices:
Organic Practices, Grass-Fed/Pastured, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Eggs, Flowers, Fruit, Meat, Vegetables, PlantStarts
Main Season (June - November)
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About Us:
We are a multigenerational family farm using sustainable practices to continue our farming for many more generations. We welcome you to come join the family.
The harvest season runs 6/1-10/12. Pick ups are Saturday mornings on the farm. Bring your own bags or basket and select your produce from what is available that week.
Additional farm products such as eggs, bread and meat will be available for purchase each week from the farm store on a first come first served basis.
4770 SW Jericho Ln, Culver, OR 97734, USA