Vicolo Farm
Vicolo Farm is a small urban farm in the Cully neighborhood of NE Portland. The farm focuses on utilizing sustainable farming practices to intensively grow a diverse assortment of vegetables & herbs.
Pickup and Delivery:
Farm Owner:
SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks, Payment Plan, CashCheck, CreditDebit
Farm Practices:
Organic Practices, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Weekly, Every Other Week
Main Season (June - November), Spring, Summer, Fall
Share Type:
Full Size, Small Size
About Us:
Vicolo Farm was established in 2023 and is a 1/5 acre highly intensive diversified urban farm in the Cully neighborhood of NE Portland. In Italy, a vicolo or alleyway is a space where cafes, bars, restaurants, and outdoor produce markets can all be found cohabiting the same narrow roadway, yet nothing feels congested. These Italian alleys represent resourcefulness and efficient use of space in an urban setting as well as aesthetic beauty. All these traits embody the foundation and vision of my small farm. I take an ecological approach to farming by promoting and preserving the health of the surrounding nature and biodiversity. I exchange the use of synthetic herbicides and pesticides for organic farming practices such as mulching the soil, cover cropping, and planting species of flowering plants that attract beneficial insects. Most of the work that takes place on Vicolo Farm is accomplished by hand while fossil fuels are used at a minimum. Another goal of the urban farm is to promote the health of the community at large by making fresh, local, and nutrient-dense foods more accessible to a wider audience.
Vicolo Farm operates a 24-week CSA that runs from the beginning of June to the middle of November with three pick-up options throughout Portland. Each week that you pick up your CSA box you will also receive a newsletter with cooking tips and recipes utilizing the week’s produce.
NE 10th Ave & NE Claremont Ave, Portland, OR 97211, USA