This enlarged Brassica stem is sweet and crunchy like jícama, and can be enjoyed raw in slaws, roasted up, or even served as crispy fries.

Flavor profile: Super sweet with a crisp crunch and a hint of peppery pungence common in the Brassica family. This cool-weather crop thrives in cold conditions, getting sweeter in winter months.
Uses: Kohlrabi is often eaten raw in slaws and on veggie platters with dip, but it can also be roasted, used in soups and sautées, and made into crispy savory kohlrabi fries. Kohlrabi greens are also edible and are very similar to kale and collards. The skin is fibrous and is usually peeled off.
Pairs with: Lemon, salt, hummus, aoili, olive oil, garlic
Storage: If leaves are still attached, remove them before storing, store in plastic bag in the fridge as you would roots or cabbage.
Other names: Kohl - Rabi in German means "Cabbage Turnip," also known as “大頭菜” in Taiwan, or "Big Head Veggie."
Nutrients: One kohlrabi provides almost all the vitamin C you need in a day! Plus, it has potassium, fiber, and vitamin B6.
History: Originally from Europe and well-loved in Germany specifically, kohlrabi is also very common throughout Asia and has been a staple crop around the world for hundreds of years.
Why it's a great crop: Unlike a root that grows underground, kohlrabi sits patiently on top of the soil as it grows, avoiding soilbourne pest damage common to root crops. Ranging in color from green to purple, kohlrabi also varies greatly in size, from the common smaller variety to the large cabbage-sized varieties that provide fresh crunch through long winters.