Double the Veggies, Double the Impact
Your donations help to make Community Supported Agriculture accessible to all SNAP recipients.

Help us provide weekly vegetables to 500 SNAP users in 2023!
This giving season, explore our donation tiers and consider sharing what you are able. Your donations will go directly to paying for CSA shares for SNAP recipients, helping to make our local food system accessible to all Oregonians.
The number of CSA shares purchased with SNAP has tripled since 2019.
Double Up Food Bucks is a big reason why. DUFB matches SNAP benefits to double the healthy produce that CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members receive, making CSA a financially accessible option for low-income Oregonians.
PNWCSA works to secure funds for DUFB through legislation and grants, but demand is growing so fast that it will outgrow the state’s DUFB budget. This giving season, your donation fills that gap so that CSA memberships are accessible to all SNAP recipients in Oregon.

What is CSA, DUFB, and what’s in store for 2023?
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a trusted relationship between local farmers and the community where members pay for a “share” of the farmer’s crop and receive a box of sustainably-grown food every week, all season long. Not only does it mean that there's a constant supply of healthy food in your refrigerator all month, it also is a valuable source of income for our local farmers.
Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) is Oregon’s first statewide incentive program that makes CSA accessible to low-income Oregonians. The program stretches the value of SNAP benefits at farmers markets, in grocery stores, and for CSA. In 2023, DUFB will double SNAP benefits for any size CSA share purchased!