This warm pepper has a rich, savory flavor that develops throughout the season. Poblanos are the perfect pepper for just about any savory dish!

Flavor profile: Unlike sweet peppers or spicy peppers, poblanos have a warm, savory flavor that brings a richness to any dish. In the Pacific Northwest, poblanos develop their full flavor at the end of the summer season in September when they ripen to their chocolate phase. Some poblanos ripen all the way red, but most varieties ripen to a deep red-brown color, thus the "chocolate" name. Although poblanos themselves don't ever get very spicy, their seeds do. Always take care to remove seeds with a knife and wash hands well.
Uses: Poblanos are a very versatile pepper. Traditionally, poblanos are used to make chile rellenos (poblanos stuffed with cheese and fried in an egg batter), dried and used as a base for moles and other salsas, or roasted and sliced into an incredible Rajas con Crema dip. Add them to any breakfast sauté or frittata for some richness and warmth!
Pairs with: Garlic, cheese, sour cream, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.
Storage: Like most peppers, poblanos like to be kept in a cool dry place. Refrigeration isn't necessary but does increase the shelf life. They can be kept in a crisper drawer in the fridge, or in an open plastic container so that moisture doesn't build up.
Other names: Like many peppers that have a different name when dried, dried poblanos are called chile ancho.
Nutrients: Poblanos have a low caloric content and are a great source of vitamin C; just 1 cup of raw poblano slices contains about 130% of your needed daily value. Dried chile anchos have even higher amounts of vitamin A, riboflavin, and other micronutrients than their fresh counterparts. And as with most deeply pigmented vegetables, poblanos have higher levels of antioxidants that provide a range of health benefits.
History: Thought to have been first cultivated in a municipality within Pueblo, Mexico, the poblano is named after the town. El chile del Pueblo: Poblano, the pepper of the people. It has been used fresh and dried in many traditional Mexican dishes for hundreds of years and continues to be a beloved pepper, now one of Mexico's leading exports to North America. Referred to as the rey de los chiles, the king of peppers, it is said that “comida sin chile no es comida," food without peppers isn't food at all.
Why it's a great crop: Poblanos tend to be prolific producers and are a fairly quick harvest compared to other types of crops. They fruit all summer long and hang on into the fall when they ripen brown to red.