Working Theory Farm
Our mission is to empower youth through the shared work of farming to grow food for partner organizations who distribute this food to families in need.
Pickup and Delivery:
On-Farm Pick Up
LGBTQ+ - owned, BIPOC - owned, Woman - owned
Farm Owner:
Farm Practices:
GMO-Free, Sustainable Practices
Payment Options:
Portland Metro
Vegetables, Meat, Eggs, Fruit, Flowers
Main Season (June - November)
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About Us:
Through growing vegetables and raising livestock on our no-till farm, we provide alternative education and avenues of employment to youth who have barriers to thriving within traditional systems and teach personal responsibility, social responsibility, and professional skills.
Our CSA functions "Buffet Style" -- We’ll offer 9 - 18 different kinds of vegetables each week. You can take as much as you would like and we just ask that you only take home as much as you will actually use fresh that same week. Don’t like chard? Don’t take any. We want you to go home with vegetables you love. Making a big meal for guests? Please take home extra vegetables for it!
5744 SE Davis Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123, USA
On-Farm Pick Up